Smile Designing

Home Treatments Smile Designing

Smile Designing

Your smile conveys confidence and is your unique selling point. Anyone who has ever wondered if they could ever change their smile profile should try Smile Designing. Using a thorough digital and clinical planning cum analysis, Smile Designing calls for a specialist in the field to carry out the process. Over the years, Dr. Balaji Dental has permanently altered many smiles. Dr. Balaji Dental is the go-to location for Smile Designing because to an innovative computerised assessment system and a specialist in the industry, Dr. Balaji Jagan.

Unique to Balaji Dental:

  • Digital Smile design application
  • Prior visualisation of post-OP look : You can visualise how your smile will change after the procedure, thereby enabling you to get an idea and make an informed decision.
  • CAD-CAM guided treatment process
  • Laser guided system to minimise pain and bleeding
  • Thrust on oral health maintenance along with Smile Designing for a beautiful smile that is long lasting.

Are you in need of a smile make over? To know more call : +91 9159016233 or visit: click here